Bereavement Support
We have a range of bereavement support services including: Counselling Chaplaincy support Visits from bereavement support volunteers When we are able to run groups safely onsite we offer: A Normalising Grief Seminar (dates to be advised on registration) Shifting Sands Bereavement Peer Support Group – (day and time to be advised on registration) Memory making…
Remembrance Service
Waipuna Hospice Remembrance Services are a time when families of the bereaved can come together to remember their loved one and the connection they had with Waipuna Hospice. Our next service: Dates TBC.
Social Work
Our social workers specialise in working with adults who are approaching the end of their life, as well as their families, those they are close to and their communities. We use particular skills and knowledge to help people to deal with the impact of what is happening to them, including loss and bereavement, which includes…
Chaplaincy, Spiritual Care and Support
Our hospice chaplain / spiritual care practitioner is available for home or inpatient visits to discuss any aspect of spiritual wellbeing. The chaplain’s role involves emotional and spiritual support of patients and family members, supporting people with and without a Christian faith and working closely with the broader faith communities of the Western Bay of…
Cultural Support
We are committed to engaging with family and whanau, understanding cultural differences, rituals and practices in order to make the experience of every patient and their loved ones, memorable, respectful, complete. The Kai Whakamaru is available to provide support, protection and advocacy for patients and their whanau, throughout their hospice journey, ensuring your cultural, emotional,…
Child, Adolescent and Family Services
Part of our service is providing specialist support for children, adolescents and families throughout the time of care and beyond. There are a number of ways we provide this support depending on the specific needs of children, adolescents and families, such as: Providing parents and caregivers with information and access to resources Counselling support for…