Help Waipuna Hospice provide more care without having to pay a cent more.

With Supergenerous, the donations you made over the past four years increase by 33% – meaning you’re helping even more people!

Supergenerous’ simple platform lets you gift us the donation rebates on the donations you make to us, growing your gift by up to 33%. It takes a couple of minutes to sign up, and there’s nothing more for you to do – we’ll work with the experts at Supergenerous to claim these rebates from the Inland Revenue and boost our fundraising. It’s the easiest gift you’ll give us!

Sign up today for Waipuna Hospice and let’s grow your donations!

What is Supergenerous?

Did you know every time you donate more than $5 to Waipuna Hospice, Supergenerous can claim a donation rebate of up to 33%? You can either keep this amount for yourself or be super generous and amplify your gift by giving this credit back to Waipuna Hospice through Supergenerous.

Tell me how.

It’s easy to opt in! Simply click here and you will be directed through the donation process. All you’ll need to do is add in your details and the charities you’ve donated to, then sit back and relax. Supergenerous will find your donations over the past four years, manage the IRD side of things and gift the donation rebates back to Waipuna Hospice – helping you make an even bigger difference! No need to sign up again – the system can automatically undergo the process for years to come if you choose. It’s that easy!

Join us.

It only takes 5 minutes. Make your generosity go further by signing up.

A Waipuna Hospice story in Tauranga

Double the impact of your donation with Supergenerous and help more people like Pete. Pete was a Waipuna Hospice patient – with our care, he was able to continue to be himself, to finish his story with dignity, love and peace. When Pete’s illness worsened, he would look forward to daily visits from Waipuna Hospice nurses. His wife saw the instant relief on his face, and she also felt relieved knowing he was in good hands. This care is only possible because of people like you.